You know we say #EveryPlantHasAStory & these TRUE Philodendron williamsii are no exception! On November 7, 2020 our Head Grower Brett & our Greenhouse Manager Courtney were at a botanical garden in Florida when, from across the way, they saw a janitor sweeping into a wastebin an infructescence covered with bright orange berries!
Brett had never grown Philodendron from seed at that time but he felt as a Horticulturist it was his duty to save those seeds & raise them as his own plant babies!
So finally, we are able to offer for the first time ever, these Philodendron williamsii that grew from those berries they saved that day!
The last pictures are photos of the parents- MATURE Philodendron williamsii!
Rare and elusive, not only in nature but in private collections as well! This long sought after species has been a source of great confusion among collectors. For decades, the vast majority of plants offered for sale and grown by collectors as the true species Philodendron williamsii were actually Philodendron stenolobum. To this day, you still find numerous sources identifying photos of Philodendron stenolobum incorrectly as Philodendron williamsii.
~Do Not place in full sun. Though many Philodendron can be acclimated to full sun, our Philodendron have been grown under shaded, greenhouse conditions.
~Philodendron are considerably hardy & tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions, but for the best growth it is recommended to provide higher levels of humidity.
~If trying to get Philodendron to mature, give them a moss pole or wood board to climb! Make sure to keep the pole or board saturated though so aerial roots can attach & actually climb!