This oddball cultivar of the Brasil Philodendron originated at Gabriella Plants and has been propagated in our greenhouse for over a decade. It’s very unpredictable and features white and a cream color. This plant has also been called “Cream Splash” in the past by other retail shops that received this from our greenhouse via wholesale assorted cases as early as 2011, arriving without a name.
It enjoys shade and hates full sun and will be a fun one to watch. Please note that because of it’s tendency to produce high levels of white variegation, it’s not uncommon for the all white leaves to wither and die after a longer period of time. Each plant will be different but roughly the same size and variegation amount as the one shown in the photos.
*Prices are subject to vary at any time and will not be adjusted after a transaction is complete. Any variations sold through this page share the same SKU and therefore are still subject to the limits listed below.